Reclaim Your Happiness After a Breakup

Join our 'Forget Your Ex' Program and start your journey to healing and empowerment today.

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Nice to meet you!

I'm Candice Nuyttens, a psychological consultant and experienced hypnotherapist. I've designed the 'Forget Your Ex' Program to help you heal from your breakup, find inner peace, and reclaim your happiness.

  • ✔ Healing

    Guided exercises and hypnosis sessions to help you heal

  • ✔ Empowerment

    Tools and techniques to regain your confidence and strength

  • ✔ Clarity

    Gain a clear perspective on your future and set positive goals

  • ✔ Coaching Videos

    Pre-recorded sessions with Candice in her therapy office

  • ✔ Guided Audio Sessions

    Inner peace, letting go of the past, and empowerment audios

  • ✔ Self-Reflection Exercises

    Written exercises to help you process your emotions and set goals